Twins Are Effin Crazy.

I guess since I have this blog, then I might as well ramble on it every once in a while.  Everyone needs to ramble sometimes! #noshame

As some may know, I am 27 years old with 6 children.  They are 6, 5, 4, 2 and 1 year old twins.  The day has finally come… The twins have learned how to walk.  They were a little late due to being premature.  They learned how to do everything a little slower than all of my previous kids, and that was just fine with me.  These two are my very last ones.  I want them to stay as little as possible for as long as possible (while still progressing like they should, of course).  Josalynn learned how to officially walk last week, and Willow trailed behind her and got it down pat on Sunday.  So, Monday was my first official day with two new walkers.

Mondays are always rough on anyone.  This Monday, however, was particularly crazy.  Not only were they both holy terrors with free range but they learned how to get stuff off the dining room table and other high tables that I didn’t think they could even reach!  Now, with six kids, I am well aware of how kids are, and my house is baby proofed.  There were no dangerous things for them to grab so hold on your britches.  They only got into trivial things, like a stack of papers here and some books there.  The madness began when I felt like my children started conspiring against me.  Yep, you read that right.

I walked outside to try to sneak a cigarette and a little bit of breathing time to myself.  (Every mom needs a minute to herself.)  I can’t remember exactly what I was doing but I was probably checking my phone as I inhaled after taking a long drag of my cigarette.  Then, I heard the click.  This click is one that I know well, and I still haven’t learned that the kids can’t be trusted inside the house, even for a minute.  I was locked out of the house.  Then, I heard little pattering feet scurry away, and I swear I heard some laughter.  Those feet belonged to Adalynn, my two year old.  I know that pattering anywhere.  Adalynn is a wild card, to say the least.  She is extroverted and hilarious and unpredictable and wild, and sometimes this introverted mommy wishes I could tame her but I could never.  

So, the panic sets in.  How in the world am I going to get back in there?!  I’m banging on the doors, calling for Zoey (4), trying to find a door that may have been left unlocked.  I had no such luck.  The one time that I need my absent mind to be on my side, it was not.  Zoey was napping upstairs, so I threw little rocks at her window.  I didn’t know if this would actually work but it works in the movies, right?  So I’m throwing rocks at her window until she finally notices (miraculously) and comes downstairs to open the door.  This was the longest 15 minutes OF. MY. LIFE.

As soon as the door unlocks, I rush in to inspect the damage.  The twins figured out how to open the bathroom door by themselves and managed to put a whole roll of toilet paper in the toilet.  I’m no plumber and barely know how to work a plunger but luckily I got it all down without a massive overflow.  With how my luck was already going that day, I was expecting the worst.  Then it hits me: this was a TTC.  Not your typical TTC (Trying To Conceive).  I mean, Total Toddler Conspiracy.  It is a real thing, my friends.  That’s when I knew I was in over my head with these little mobile twin girls!  They surprise me more and more every day with their new little words they’re learning and their new talents, apparently.  Who can fill up the toilet with toilet paper the fastest?  

The truth is, Monday was hard but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.  It’s exciting seeing the kids learn new things.  I just wasn’t prepared for so many new things at once.  Moral of the story is: 1.) Toddlers can never be left alone together for even a second.  2) Always have a hide-a-key outside in case of emergencies.  3.) The “babies” of the family always do things that the older kids didn’t do.  Be prepared.

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